
 来源:http://www.jufengjiaobanji.com 日期:2020-06-29 发布人:admin
Small concrete mixer is determined by many parameters. It is impossible to describe a small concrete mixer with any single parameter. Shaft power (P), blade discharge (q), head (H), blade diameter (d) and mixing speed (n) are the five basic parameters to describe a small concrete mixer. The discharge volume of the blade is directly proportional to the flow standard of the blade itself, the first power of the blade speed and the third power of the blade diameter. The shaft power consumed by stirring is directly proportional to the specific gravity of fluid, the power standard of blade itself, the third power of rotating speed and the fifth power of blade diameter.
Under the condition of certain power and blade form, the discharge volume (q) and head (H) of the blade can be adjusted by changing the matching of the diameter (d) and the rotating speed (n) of the blade, that is, the small concrete mixer with the large diameter blade and the low speed (ensuring the constant shaft power) will produce higher activity effect and lower head, while the small diameter blade with high speed will produce higher pressure Head and lower activity effect. In a stirred tank, the way to make the pellets collide with each other is to supply a shear rate that meets the requirements
From the perspective of small concrete mixer, it is because of the existence of fluid velocity difference that the fluid layers are mixed with each other. Therefore, the shear rate of fluid is always involved in the mixing process. Shear stress is a kind of force, which is the cause of bubble laxity and droplet breakage in stirring application. It is pointed out that the shear rate of each point in the whole stirred tank is not the same. The results show that there are at least four shear rate values in a stirred tank. They are as follows: for the blade region, the shear rate and uniform shear rate increase with the increase of the rotating speed, regardless of the size of the paddle and when the diameter of the blade must be kept.
However, when the rotating speed must be kept, the relationship between the shear rate and uniform shear rate and the blade diameter is related to the pulp type. When the rotating speed is constant, the shear rate of radial blade increases with the increase of blade diameter, while the uniform shear rate has nothing to do with the size of blade diameter. These concepts of shear rate in blade zone should be paid special attention to in the design of minitype concrete mixer. Compared with large tank, small tank small concrete mixer often has the characteristics of high speed (n), small blade diameter (d) and low blade tip speed (nd), while small concrete mixer with large tank often has characteristics of low speed (n), large blade diameter (d) and high blade tip speed (nd).
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