
 来源:http://www.jufengjiaobanji.com 日期:2021-09-13 发布人:admin
自上料混凝土搅拌罐车是将水泥,沙子,砾石骨料和水混合并将它们混合成混凝土混合物的机器。它主要由一个搅拌桶,一个给水/卸载机构,一个给水系统,一个原动机,一个传动机构,一个框架和一个支撑装置组成。只有安 全,合理地操作设备,才能提高设备的运行性能,因此下面的编辑器将介绍设备的安 全操作规则。
Self loading concrete mixer truck is a machine that mixes cement, sand, gravel, aggregate and water and mixes them into concrete mixture. It is mainly composed of a mixing drum, a water supply / unloading mechanism, a water supply system, a prime mover, a transmission mechanism, a frame and a support device. Only when the equipment is operated safely and reasonably can the operation performance of the equipment be improved. Therefore, the following editor will introduce the safe operation rules of the equipment.
1.驾驶之前,请仔细检查车辆的状况,以确保可以安 全行驶。
1. Before driving, please carefully check the condition of the vehicle to ensure safe driving.
2. If the automatic loading mixer is parked outdoors, the mixing drum needs to be reversed before loading to discharge water and debris to ensure the quality of concrete.
3. When transporting anti-skid nails by scam, please firmly place the inclined groove to avoid shaking due to looseness, hurting pedestrians or affecting the normal operation of other moving vehicles, and prevent concrete overflow and pollution. Ground.
4. The time required for the automatic loading mixer to transport concrete shall not exceed the time specified in the mixing plant. During concrete transportation, do not stop the mixing bucket for a long time to prevent concrete segregation. The driver shall observe the specific situation from time to time, report the abnormal situation to the main control room and put forward handling requirements.
5. If the vehicle is equipped with concrete, the on-site dead time shall not exceed one hour. In case of overtime, the on-site personnel will need to deal with it in time.
6.当用混凝土搅拌机运输未泵送的物料时,如果混凝土进入罐中到排出之间的温度高,则不应超过2小时,并且必 须在2小时后排出。雨中温度较低时,不应超过2.5小时。
6. When transporting non pumped materials with a concrete mixer, if the temperature between the concrete entering the tank and discharging is high, it shall not exceed 2 hours and must be discharged after 2 hours. When the temperature in the rain is low, it shall not exceed 2.5 hours.
7. Before draining the concrete, rotate the mixing drum at the speed of 10-12 rpm for 1 minute, and then drain.
8. Immediately after the unloading of the loading concrete mixing tank truck, flush the inlet, unloading hopper and unloading chute with the hose connected to the vehicle to remove the dirt and residual concrete on the vehicle body and maintain the sanitation of the vehicle.
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